Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Assignment2UT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment2UT - Essay Example .. (Sumner & Keller, 1913 p 234) †. This argument is aimed at ensuring the poor do not get any support for social justice against the rich and that wealthy slave owners should be left to continue with oppression since they happen to be strong in the natural sense. As an observer of the Cotton Farmers Alliance, these arguments by Professor Sumner are more than disturbing given the degree of oppression witnessed in Houston that called for cotton pickers strike. The foundation laid by America’s founding fathers demanded justice for all, rich poor, black or white. Speaking against government support for the less fortunate as advanced by Professor Sumner is contrary to the founding principles of the United States. Justice must be done to reduce the growing gap between the poor and rich members of the American society and this can only be done with government protection of the voiceless. Before nature, we are not any better than the wilder beasts and rattle snakes, but then we are not living in the wild as Professor Sumner would like to make us believe, we are human beings with a sense of intelligence living in a civil liberated country that was founded on the platform of justice and freedom for all. These founding principles have the implication that the rights of the ‘wild beasts’ are protected against attacks from ‘lions’ and that as the American ‘lions’ industrialize, the ‘wild beasts’ that are the poor cotton pickers, must be carried along in clear structures that assures them a place in the table of industrial success. The kind of unrest witnessed in the south is a product of years of oppression and to mitigate this, government must come up with clear protection policies which will ensure that the fruits of industrialization are shared by both the cotton pickers and the industrialists as the American society works towards closing the rich-poor gap. Professor Sumner argues in his book: What Social Classes Owe to Each Other; that social programs by the government to help the poor are contrary to nature and robs hard working people of their rightful rewards. He forgets that the alleged hard workers are propelled to success by the poor laborers who toil to make their enterprises successful. It’s an act of fairness to give the laborers a share of their output because no success can be realized if it were not for the efforts of cotton pickers in the south. The economic principle of fair reward is the basis of my support for social programs that will ensure cotton pickers share into the success of industrialization through these programs. Sumner’s ideologies have no place in the American society after my observation of happenings in Houston. Question Two: The Populist Party, 1892 Common problems Addressed by the Populist in Nebraskan and Georgia Key to the issues facing the Populist of Omaha and Georgia are economically traversing issues, which were so dominant in the U.S.A in the late 19th century. Therefore, in the event of such a convention, the two groups would have similar issues to rise on a wider scale. Some of the issues include labor and remuneration, the legal and justice system as well as taxation (Sumner & Keller, 1913). Watson from Georgia speaks of exploitation of the

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